Asked Questions
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Why St. John the Baptist for our Parish name?
This new Parish name is meaningful in many ways – especially since the French Missionary Priest responsible for both churches being built nearly 200 years ago was Father Jean Baptise Lamy. Also – as we work even more closely together to grow in faith hope and love – St. John the Baptist – Patron Saint of Conversion – will be a powerful intercessor on our behalf.
Will we have Office Staff at St. Luke, even on a part-time basis?
At this point, it’s very early in the process of considering where, what and how specific roles will be supported for the long view. In the near term, the current structures we have in place will continue.
Will collections remain separate, or will it be one collective fund for the combined parish?
Ultimately, today’s separate financial structures for St. Vincent de Paul and St. Luke will be combined and become one. We are blessed in the fact that both parishes are financially solvent. Eventually, there will be one combined approach to account for the funds received and expenses. In accounting terms, one balance sheet and one income statement.
What would we need to do to keep the Turkey Dinner? What would we need to do to keep the Festival? Is this up for discussion?
Absolutely! The intention is that all the great traditions and celebrations presently in place should continue as long as there is interest and desire to do so. Unity in Community means continuing to spend time together in ways that are memorable and created to give glory to our Lord – and the hope is these great gatherings and fun events continue as far as the eye can see.
If we are concerned about the funding for the up keep of the church building and community center, are endowments an option to plan for the upkeep?
Yes – for certain. The overall impact of combining the parishes will be focused on strengthening both, including a long view on important investments like maintenance – that aren’t always glamourous -but are essential to good stewardship. It’s important we invest wisely so future generations may continue to benefit as they grow on their journey of faith, hope and love.
Will future appeals be combined for both locations?
Yes – once the merger is complete, the appeals will be combined – and reporting out to all will be based on the combined goal and combined funds that are raised.
Will PSR classes remain at Danville?
An important focus of all our efforts will be on doing all we can to provide convenience and support for the communities of St. Luke and St. Vincent de Paul to grow even deeper in our faith. At this moment, we don’t have any decisions about any possible changes about what will be offered where. Near term, it’s likely we might need to re-visit schedules to make sure we have all the resources in the right places at the right times. As of today, we haven’t made any specific decisions, and we will keep you posted when and if we do.
Will we be able to have offerings such as Walking with Purpose at Danville?
Yes. One goal over time will be to have our ministries that are similar work closely together to be even more unified. The overall positive impact of this will be more participants, and more flexibility on how best to engage with these opportunities for spiritual growth and positive impact for our neighbors and friends.
How will the music groups organize and schedule for Masses, special events, etc.?
We are especially grateful to all those who share their musical gifts with our larger community. As we continue to work through all the specifics, the hope is to land on one set of tools for scheduling and keeping participants informed and aware of opportunities and commitments. It’s hoped the overall impact will make it easier for those who participate to manage their schedules so they can continue to bless us with their unique talents.
Will there be a separate maintenance group responsible for St. Luke facilities?
We are committed to investing in and maintaining both St. Luke Church and St. Vincent de Paul Church. In the near-term nothing will change. For the future, we don’t know for certain at this moment how precisely maintenance might be structured and resourced, but we know it will remain a top priority - as it is now.
Who will be responsible for the maintenance and running of the cemetery?
In the near term, our priority is not disrupting good systems that are working. And we want to make certain important maintenance work continues uninterrupted. Over time, it’s possible we might have new approaches, but in the here and now, nothing is expected to change.
Will baptismal, wedding and other sacramental records be maintained at St. Luke?
Maintaining sacramental records for St. Luke and for St. Vincent will be a top priority. Since we are early in the process of working through all these types of specifics, we don’t know for certain where everything will be kept. We are planning to have all records in one place so they can be accessed and available as needed.
How will Mass times change?
At this point we don’t know. We will be transparent and communicate well ahead of time about any potential changes. The goal will be to continue in our mission to celebrate the Eucharist as a community and to do that with the resources we have – both today and in the future – in a manner that is most convenient and inviting for our entire community. Candidly, we are blessed with two Priests at present. The adjustments of changing Mass times would become necessary in the future if we have one Priest.
How will lay minister schedules be made and kept?
We will explore ways to optimize how we do this so it is most convenient and accessible for all who participate in this important ministry.
Will the rectory be sold?
No. There are no current plans to sell any land or buildings that are presently part of St. Luke or St. Vincent de Paul.
Will the community center be used and maintained? It is a vital building in our community.
It absolutely will be. We value this important place and the connection to community it provides. It will continue to be used, maintained and will remain available.
Will Danville still collect for Danville Interchurch (twice a year), Sanctuary Community Action (twice a year), Religious Education (in July), and St. Luke Cemetery (end of October)? Will St. Vincent de Paul still have the monthly Collection for the Poor?
We are not certain at this point if any changes will be made to the special collections we currently have at St. Luke and at St. Vincent de Paul. We will keep everyone informed of any decisions and timing if any changes are considered in this area for the future.
Will we continue livestreaming from both St. Luke and St. Vincent de Paul?
We are planning to transition all livestreaming to our new Knox Catholic YouTube page so that it is available to all without needing a Facebook account. We will continue to have a weekly Sunday livestream on the YouTube channel but will only stream from the St. Luke Church. The livestreaming capabilities at St. Vincent de Paul will be there for special occasions, but for now the 10 am Sunday Mass from St. Luke will be our Consortium livestream. To find our YouTube channel just click on the icon in the footer of each page of our knoxcatholic.org website, or find it at the bottom of the Weekly News Flocknote email every Tuesday, or through our myParish App.
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