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Charitable works, such as those performed through direct service, are an essential response to our faith. Service reminds us of our connection to those members of our human family who are most in need.  

Altar Linens

St. Vincent de Paul

Volunteers learn how to clean and press altar linens for the celebration of Mass.

Ministry Leader

Mary Collins

St. Luke &
St. Vincen
t de Paul


Members provide sympathy for the grieving, support and encouragement cards in the first year, resources for grief support, a 6 month memorial mass, and a memorial dinner.

St. Luke Ministry Leader

Barb McComb

St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Leader

Beth Robinson

Boy Scouts
Troop 0332

St. Vincent de Paul

Boys Ages 11-17  The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.

St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Leader

Clint Lingel

St. Vincent de Paul

Care about your neighbor (CAN) is a

non-perishable food collection at

St. Vincent de Paul. Food is collected in the shopping carts in the church vestibules and taken to Interchurch each month.

St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Leader

Dee & Tom Mickley

Community Life
St. Luke 

Members that support and assist with activities in the parish. 

St. Luke Ministry Leader

Marcia Durbin


Cub Scouts
Pack 0332

St. Vincent de Paul

Boys and girls K-5 We provide ready-made opportunities for your family to do fun things together—because together—we can all grow into our very best future selves!

St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Leader

Patrick Glasgow

Funeral Luncheons
St. Luke &
St. Vincen
t de Paul


Assist with cooking and serving funeral luncheons for family members of the deceased following funeral Mass. Other ways to help are by making desserts for the luncheon, as well as calling parishioners to assist and writing thank you cards. 

St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Leader

Judy Novak

St. Luke Ministry Leader

Marcia Durbin

Hot Meals
St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul assists the local churches collaborative effort to bring hot meals to the homeless on Tuesday evenings.

St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Leader

Judy Smith


St. Luke & 
St. Vincent de Paul


Assist at the Mass by Altar Serving, Lectoring or being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Reach out to the parish office to get training scheduled.

Ministry Leader

Deacon Tim Birie


Knights of Columbus
St. Luke &
St. Vincen
t de Paul


Together, we're empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community. Being a Knight means a life of faith in action, a life of boldness in brotherhood, a life worth living. Join 2 million Catholic men on a mission.

St. Vincent de Paul Grand Knight

Brandon Bell

St. Luke Grand Knight

Kevin Murphy


St. Luke & 
St. Vincent de Paul


Are you interested in singing for the consortium? Join our cantor ministry, small ensembles or seasonal choirs. Use your piano skills and learn how to play the organ for Mass.

St. Luke Ministry Leader

Rochelle Adam

St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Leader

Mike Blowers


St. Luke 

Members of this group meet Monday afternoons at noon at the rectory garage. They help with upkeep and do repairs for St. Luke buildings and cemetery.

St. Luke Ministry Leader

Joe Taposci


St. Luke 

Members of this group support safety measures for St. Luke.

Parish Council of Catholic Women
St. Luke 

Catholic Women for St. Luke Parish

St. Luke Ministry Leader

Marcia Durbin



St. Luke & 
St. Vincent de Paul


Serve the parish by greeting people as they enter the church for Mass. Assist in finding seating, welcome visitors & provide directions. Secure the building during Mass, take up the collection, get volunteers or take up gifts themselves. Secure the building after Mass.

St. Luke Ministry Leader

Barb McComb

St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Leader

Mike Parks


St. Vincent de Paul

With a warm welcome, this ministry provides answers and support to newly registered parishioners. 


St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Leader

John Darmstadt & Georgia McCarthy

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