
As of July 1st we will be St. John the Baptist Parish.
With the new St. John the Baptist Parish we will be introducing a Pastor’s Advisory Board. The goal for this new group will be to provide ongoing guidance and input as we continue to answer our call to the new evangelization – and as a new Parish with two Churches. This will be made up of 7 members that will represent these groups: Finance (would attend the monthly finance meeting), Maintenance (would attend the monthly maintenance meeting), Education Point Person (would represent SVDP School Advisory Board (and attend monthly meetings), as well as PSR at both churches, Parish Secretary, Prayer Ministry Contact, Study Ministry Contact and Service Ministry Contact.
This Advisory group will begin to meet in August and members will be announced at the beginning of August.
The St. Luke Parish Council will be having it's last meeting in June. Thank you to all those who have served over the years. In August Father will announce a new Pastor's Advisory Board for St. John the Baptist Parish. Watch for more news on this!
Livestreaming will adjust starting May 26.
St. Luke will livestream from the Knox Catholic Youtube page. Find link at the bottom of the knoxcatholic.org
SVDP will not have regular Sunday livestreaming starting May 26.
New emails! Sandy and Jane at stluke@knoxcatholic.org Amanda at amayville@knoxcatholic.org
As of July 1st all contribution checks should be made out to St. John the Baptist Parish.
Online givers: nothing will change, except the link itself (in case you have it bookmarked), but you can go thru donate button on knoxcatholic.org
Auto-Withdrawal Givers from St. Luke will be contacted by Sandy for updates. No need to change anything for SVDP.