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Consortium Bulletin Board

A Letter from Father Hammond

Dear Parishioners,

As you know, Bishop Fernandes created our new parish, St. John the Baptist, this pas July. This parish consists of St. Luke Church and St. Vincent de Paul Church, and it presents a great opportunity to move forward together to server all the people of God in Knox County and to promote our precious Catholic faith.

In August, I formed a new Pastor's Advisory Council to support my in my ministry to our parish. Along with the letter, please find the below Council's charter, which outlines the purpose and the responsibilities of the new advisory group. It is my sincere hope that this will assist in the management of all the activities and ministries of our parish, so that all of us may continue to serve the Lord and His Church to the very best of our abilities.

Thank you for all your work in proclaiming the Gospel to our part of the world. May God bless you abundantly.

Sincerely in the Lord Jesus,

Very Reverend March J. Hammond, Pastor

St. John the Baptist Parish – Pastor’s Advisory Council Charter

I. Statement of Purpose

The Pastor’s Advisory Council is a group of lay and religious members of St. John the Baptist Parish, Knox County, with representation from St. Luke Church and St. Vincent de Paul Church. The purpose of the Council is to support the Pastor of the Parish in his ministry to the Parish. A specific focus for the Council is to facilitate communication between the Pastor and the growing ministries in the Parish, the Parish Finance Committee, the Maintenance/Safety Committee and the School Advisory Board. In addition, the Council exists to provide thoughts, perspective and support to the

Pastor on any other additional duties as assigned.

II. Organization

A. Charter.

At least annually, this charter shall be reviewed and reassessed by the Pastor and any proposed changes shall be shared with the Council members and put in place at that time. The annual date for review will coincide with the first month of each new fiscal year.

B. Members.

The Council shall be comprised of at least six members with representation from St. Luke Church and St. Vincent de Paul Church. All Committee members are appointed by the Parish Pastor.

C. Meetings.

To fulfill its responsibilities, the Council will meet the third Monday of each month, unless at any point the Pastor sees no need for a meeting in any specific month. Additional meetings may be scheduled as required.

D. Structure to Support Key Committees and Ministries of the Parish One primary member of the Council will be assigned as lead point of contact with the

following Parish groups:

1. Finance Committee

2. Maintenance/Safety Committee

3. Prayer Ministries

4. School Advisory Board

5. Service Ministries

6. Study Ministries

E. Pastor Advisory Council meeting structure

Meetings will be Chaired by the Pastor. The Parish Secretary will inform Council members of meeting dates, times, and place, as well as sharing an agenda. In addition, the Parish Secretary will take notes / minutes to share back with members.

III. Responsibilities

The following shall constitute the principal responsibilities of the Council:

A. Support for Parish Pastor led initiatives.

The Council members will make themselves available to offer insights, thoughts and support for any and all subject area where the Pastor seeks input and perspective.

B. Confidentiality

It is expected that Council members will maintain the highest levels of confidence regarding

any discussions about Parish matters that require discretion to ensure the dignity of all Parish members is appropriately safeguarded.

C. Establishing Strong Communication Channels in Assigned Areas of Focus

Council members will be available to support the needs of the Parish group(s) they are paired with. Council members will provide a personal connection for individual ministry leaders to share news, ask questions, and seek support for their ministries.

D. Supporting ongoing Growth of St. John the Baptist Parish

Council members will be devoted to the newly formed (as of July, 2024) St. John the Baptist Parish continuing to grow in Faith, Hope and Love. By offering their individual unique talents, Council members benefit the Parish and increase the likelihood of achieving the great potential God has granted.



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St. Luke Catholic Church

307 South Market Street

Danville, Ohio 43014

Phone: 740-599-6362

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church 

303 East High Street

Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050

Phone: 740-392-4711

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School

206 East Chestnut Street

Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050

Phone: 740-393-3611

Office Hours

Tuesday - Friday | 9:30am-4:30pm

Office Hours

Monday - Wednesday | 8:00am - 2:00pm

Friday | 8:00 - 1:00pm

Office Hours

Monday - Friday | 7:45am - 2:30pm


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© 2025 St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish  |  Last Updated: February 7, 2025

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